How to Highlight a Summer Job on Your College Application -

How to Highlight a Summer Job on Your College Application -

College admissions counselors are impressed by students who spend their summers working. There are four places on the Common Application where students can highlight their employment experience. Your choice of where to feature a summer job will depend upon how significant the job is in showcasing your skills, interests and personal attributes compared with your other activities.

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Strategies for Success in Navigating Test Optional Admissions

Strategies for Success in Navigating Test Optional Admissions

With more colleges allowing applicants to apply without test scores, it is difficult to decipher how test scores (or the lack thereof) will impact an applicant’s admissions chances. This is The College Spy’s guide to test optional admissions policies.

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Infographic: How to Research Colleges When You Can't Visit

Infographic:  How to Research Colleges When You Can't Visit

The best way to decide if a college is right for your student is to visit the campus, listen to the information session, take the tour and ask questions. Unfortunately, visiting colleges is not always an option. This infographic explains other ways to research colleges.

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5 Types of College Application Deadlines

5 Types of College Application Deadlines

Colleges utilize five types of application deadlines. As students plan for college, an understanding of how each type can affect their admissions chances as well as how a deadline at one college can limit the deadline choice at another college should be a key part of planning the admissions process.

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6 Reasons to Take a Dual Enrollment Course and 3 Reasons To Think Twice

6 Reasons to Take a Dual Enrollment Course and 3 Reasons To Think Twice

A dual enrollment course is a single course that provides a student with both high school and college credit. Dual enrollment courses are unique educational opportunities that can offer significant advantages for the right student. When deciding whether to take a dual enrollment course, students should think about their college goals, compare the courses available to them at their high school and discuss their options with their school counselor.

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The Truth About Extracurricular Activities and Highly Selective Colleges

The Truth About Extracurricular Activities and Highly Selective Colleges

Today’s well-rounded applicants are welcome at many colleges but the most selective schools prefer a different shape. They are prioritizing “pointy” students, those who have participated in several activities centered around a theme rather than a variety of disconnected activities. Elite colleges want students whose activities demonstrate commitment to a core interest, belief or pursuit.

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How to Highlight a Summer Job on Your College Application

How to Highlight a Summer Job on Your College Application

College admissions counselors are impressed by students who spend their summers working. There are four places on the Common Application where students can highlight their employment experience. Your choice of where to feature a summer job will depend upon how significant the job is in showcasing your skills, interests and personal attributes compared with your other activities.

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3 Things High School Students Should Think About When Searching for Summer Jobs

3 Things High School Students Should Think About When Searching for Summer Jobs

The key to getting the most out of a summer job is to think ahead about what the job will do for you aside from providing you with spending money. A summer job can also boost your self-esteem, introduce you to a potential future career and help you get into college. Before you run out and take the first job you can find, here are some things to consider when choosing your summer job.

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Finding Your Student’s Best Fit College – How the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Can Help.

Finding Your Student’s Best Fit College – How the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Can Help.

With over 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States, creating a short list of just 8-10 schools can be quite a challenge. The most effective tool I have found to aid students in understanding their personal preferences is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

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